Saturday, December 20, 2008

The Plane Ride

Josh and I flew to Dallas Tx on Thursday, the 18th of Dec. I was very anxious pretty much the whole time. It was interesting watching the people by-pass me when looking for a seat because I had a child!! :-) I could understand though... I was not sure what to expect!!!!! Well, it ended up being a really good experience. Josh was a little fussy towards the beginning of the flight and then by the last hour and 1/2, he was asleep. I don't know if I would want to fly solo again. It is really challenging. Lee will be with me on the way back and it will be a relief!!!! I have a lot of respect for mom's who do this all of the time!! I also admire the moms that had more than one child with them! I will add pictures when I get back home. I will be in touch soon! My mom and other family members will be in town tomorrow. My mom has not seen Josh since he was two weeks old. She is going to be so surprised! I am really looking forward to Christmas!!!! Take Care until next time! lt

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Kids will be KIDS!!!

I have been trying to get a family picture for weeks now, and the timing was not working out... So I had a friend at church take of pic. of the family... and here is what baby Josh Did just as the camera Flashed!!!!!!!!!!! Classic!!!! We did manage to get a nicer one later! Too funny!!! Have a Great Day!


Sunday, December 14, 2008

Just a little update!!

I can't wait to spend Christmas with my family! We love to wake up early and have our coffee and hot tea!!! I made these coasters about two or three weeks ago. I haven't put them on my etsy site. I may just give them as a gift! Hera are also some pics from a recent show that I did. I will show more pictures of the show later. There were four artists at this show. Here are the artists:
Syferiaa Jordan - Creator of Saffi Cards
Lovlee Helene Tang – Mixed Media Artist
Tricia Sebald - Down to Earth Expressions
Trisa Haisma- Custom Made Recycled Wood Gifts

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Morning Thought

I can't believe that almost a year has passed since my husband and I had our son! Last year this time I was sitting with a big belly...waiting for my last day of work to approach, anxious to see my new baby boy! I don't know about most people, but I have been told that I am too hard on myself. I am the type of person that feels like I need to be always working towards something/accomplishing something. Not really allowing myself to just rest and take in life. I know that this personality trait is not all bad. I just feel like I have goals that I really want to accomplish. I also believe that as you get older.. you should also get better! But then you are left with the question..."What is better?" We each have to judge that for ourselves.

So my son will be 1 year old on the 18th of Dec., and on that special day he and I will be flying to TX to meet the family for Christmas! On this trip, I plan to take in every moment and just relax and enjoy. I feel like I am still learning about my family and my roots, and now that I have a child...I want to be able to share with him (as well as our future kids) about the family heritage that they come from. I know that my husband feels the same (He is from Cambodia). I consider my life and my family to be such a special gift from God. I will enjoy this Holiday!

I will not be too hard on myself today...and I will enjoy this day!