I am 3 1/2 weeks in to being a new mommy...for the second time :-)!!!

Lots of things to remember and relearn the second time around! Truly a blessing...a gift from God...my little girl!
Today...while she is asleep...I will take a shower! My simple...yet attainable goal!
Today...this morning...instead of moving her sweet little body immediately from the car seat to her bed...upon the return from dropping off her two and a half year old brother at daycare. I will bring her inside...unhook her and let her sleep. I have learned that once I move her...she wakes up, and quiet mommy time...shower time...coffee time...is lost :-)! Just thought of this idea today...we will see how it goes.

To moms with new infants and toddlers...God bless you.

It is a new world for my husband and I...and we are learning to balance them both...showing the right amount of attention, love and discipline...is no JOKE! But it is a BEAUTIFUL CHALLENGE...a beautiful gift and opportunity that God has given us and you too... We Can Do IT!
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